INQUEST RESOURCES innovative litigation solutions ease the discovery process and document review phase by providing technological expertise, efficiency and experience. 

Our experienced Contract Paralegals have the knowledge for small and large-scale, complex Document Reviews. We can help manage the entire litigation life cycle from early case assessment through discovery document review and trial. 

INQUEST RESOURCES is trained on hosted document review solutions and can provide training and support on many of today’s e-Discovery software platforms including Relativity, Summation, Reprise, Xera, iConect, and Concordance.

We can assist you with: 

  • Privilege Review – documents subject to various legal privileges, such as the “attorney/client” and “attorney work product” privileges
  • Relevancy / Responsiveness Review to identify documents related to the claims/defenses asserted and to the discovery request
  • Subject Matter Review – documents related to a particular issue
  • Hot Docs - Documents tagged against client criteria

Our Project Management Team will help define the scope, review methodologies, project workflows, quality assurance checkpoints, and resource estimates (including budgets, preventative measures and processes) for all reviews in which they are engaged. The Project Management team can review rates and deadlines to ensure the project is completed on time and on budget.

Typical day-to-day project management could include: 

  • Managing workflow and schedules according to internal and external deadlines
  • Making recommendations to improve the quality or efficiency of the review